We are proud to sponsor the kits for the Beecholme Belles Under 10s football team.
Gumersalls News
Gumersalls News
The Queen’s Funeral
The Queen’s Funeral – Monday 19th September 2022.
Trust Registration Service
HMRC will require all trusts which were in existence on or after the 6th October 2020 to be registered online with them, with limited exceptions, from the 1st September 2022. They have the power to issue penalties similar to the late filing of tax returns and payment...
Why it is vital to keep your will up-to-date
New research shows that around 47% of people in Epsom may have a will that’s out of date. It’s really important your will is reviewed every five years or so, or when a major change in your life takes place - like a divorce, marriage, a birth or death in the family....
Modernisation of LPAs
This week, the government launched a 12-week consultation into the modernisation of Lasting Powers of Attorney (‘LPAs’). An LPA is a legal document that allows someone to make decisions about your finances, health, and care for you should you lose mental capacity.
Important Notice – Coronavirus
Whilst our office in Epsom Square is temporarily closed to the public in line with the latest Government guidance on the Coronavirus pandemic, we plan to work as much as possible remotely (ie. by telephone and email and video calls as appropriate) and we will...

We have moved!
We are now in our new offices on the Mezzanine Floor at Epsom Square, Epsom, KT19 8AG (the building where the Library is located).
4 Of The Best Things To Do In Epsom
Those of you about to start house hunting this year and thinking about upping sticks and moving to Epsom have chosen a particularly wonderful part of the world. There’s an awful lot to see and do here, with fun for all the family, so you’ll never be bored. Here are...
Vegetarianism and Gym Going Cited As Unreasonable Behaviour
The best divorce solicitors Surrey has to offer can help you get through a difficult divorce, but helping you understand what your legal position is, what you are entitled to and how you should approach each stage of proceedings. January is peak season for divorce, as...
Leasehold Costs Unchanged
As the best solicitors Epsom has to offer we are frequently asked to deal with leasehold extensions on property. Extending the lease on a leasehold property is often required to make it more saleable, though it can be an expensive option for some. The way in which the...